Jangan main-main kalau sebilik dengan zombi
Girls, could this be the most dreaded situation to be in when you’re out on a hot date
Want to get a new tablet for someone special this Christmas?
It's hard to watch the first 30 seconds without clicking the forward button.
They thought they got a makeover, but they were in for a better surprise.
Got old phones lying around? Trade them for a brand NEW Samsung GALAXY Note 4!
Have you seen these exclusive benefits up for grabs?
Ever wondered what it'd be like if everyone on social media starts to #DoMoreLah4Malaysia?
8 Ways You Can Make A Difference Using Your Online Skills
Can you convince your family to do this? You might win a brand new iPhone 6!
5 Reasons Why The New Maxis Network Is Better Than Ever
Your Memory Of Maggi Will Never Be The Same As Your Children's
Bagi yang sibuk bekerja di pejabat, daripada pagi sehingga lewat petang atau malam, sudah tentu kerap berasa lapar, bukan? Selain itu, oleh kerana terlalu sibuk dengan kerja, kadang-kadang kita tidak ambil peduli tentang diet harian – makan apa sahaja makanan yang cepat seperti fast food, junk food dan sebagainya. Ini semua tidak menyihatkan dan bakal memudaratkan badan kita dimasa hadapan.
Thera Suitcase & Theravest PERCUMA
*2010* : Sha started sebagai usahawan corset Premium Beautiful. Masa ni
teknologi hanya FIR sahaja. Tapi, kualiti dan keberkesanan corset Premium
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